Commentary on 'Return of the gods', by Jonathan Cahn

I just finished reading Jonathan Cahn's newest book called 'Return of the Gods'.  It was another masterpiece of historical significance along the lines of his previous books beginning with The Harbinger.

My only commentary has to do with the remedy which Jonathan Cahn sets forth in the final chapter of this newest book.  Yes, he properly sets forth Jesus as our only hope for reconciliation with God (Whom I wish he would refer to as 'The Only True God' as Jesus did in John 17:3  "And this is life eternal, that they might know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent). "

My concern is that the people who already know God have failed to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ to the rest of the world in a manner which is faithful to the instructions of Jesus Himself.  For example, Jesus said to the crowds and to His disciples,
Mat 23:8  You [plural], don't be called 'Rabbi', for One is The Guide of you [Plural], The Anointer, and you [plural] are brothers.
Mat 23:9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Mat 23:10  Neither be called guides: for one is your Guide - The Anointer.
Mat 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Jesus is quite able to teach us and transform us personally, even though He is now in Heaven, by means of The Holy Spirit, Who has been available to us since the first day of Pentecost in the early first century A. D.  He may interact with us directly through dreams or visions or revelations, or through other people, or through the Holy Scriptures, or through circumstances of life.  But we, like the children of Israel in Moses' time, chose to decline God's invitation to meet Him on the mountain of God, choosing instead to let Moses meet with God and then have him tell the children of Israel what God had said.  They went astray from God's 'Plan A' of direct contact with Him from the beginning, and we do the same, relying on our 'rabbis' and 'fathers' and 'mentors' to tell us what God has to say without directly interacting with Him ourselves!  Sad for God and disastrous for us!

Even in the first century meetings of believers, in spite of the fact that they had apparently been born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of various spiritual gifts, the apostle Paul called them 'carnal' because their allegiance was to their human 'leaders' rather than to Jesus and God the Father.  Some believers Paul referred to as 'spiritual' and others he called 'carnal', but he never seemed to clearly define those terms or explain the differences between those categories of believers.

The result of my forty-six years of born-again life in Jesus and His instructions to me by various means is that I have come to the conclusion that 2 Corinthians 5:15 contains a concise explanation of the difference between those who are 'carnal' and those who are 'spiritual'.

2Co 5:15  και υπερ παντων απεθανεν ινα οι ζωντες μηκετι εαυτοις ζωσιν αλλα τω υπερ αυτων αποθανοντι και εγερθεντι

(LEB)  And He died for all, in order that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One Who died for them and was raised.

(I provided the Greek text first because it is the real Scripture, and then I provided an English translation which I believe most accurately represents the Greek text).

So, my conclusion (for what it's worth to you, dear reader) is that those who 'live for themselves' are 'carnal', and those who 'live for The One Who died for them and was raised' are 'spiritual'.  Unconditional surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and the Creatorship of Father God is the distinguishing characteristic. 

In addition, it is those who by faith in Jesus claim His death as their death to sin and unrighteousness and His resurrected life as their source of a new holy life lived for God, who by these spiritual exercises of faith are becoming free from 'self' to live undistractedly for God.

How would that transform the Christian community?  IF Jesus were really teaching us all individually, then His love of righteousness and His hatred of iniquity would be manifested in our lives as individuals and in our interactions with others.  The church lecture hall would be transformed into a family reunion in which God could choose through whom He wants to speak and work at any given time and place, and everyone would be able to actively participate.  For example, the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:12,

(ERV)  I mean that I want us to help each other with the faith that we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.

This is in accord with one of the first instructions which I received from the Lord Jesus in the days after I was born again.  He spoke to my heart and said, "No one is always right except Me, and no one is always wrong, including Caiaphas (the Jewish high priest who was one of the Jewish leaders who plotted the death of Jesus.  This fact is recorded for our information  in John 11:49-52).  My understanding of this statement was that I am to listen to everyone, but not to believe everything I hear, but that Jesus will give me discernment to know what to receive and believe.

We all have spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, but we need the freedom and opportunity to share those gifts with others.  The church has restricted to the 'leadership' only the ability to share their gifts, but has limited the ability of the 'laity' to edify the body of Christ.  This needs to change if we are to have any hope in seeing the Kingdom of God established in this world.

One result of carnality of Christians is division of the body of Christ. (Ref. 1 Corinthians 1:10)  Carnality causes believers to be more loyal to the church 'leaders' than to our Blessed Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ!  This also needs to change if we are to have any hope in seeing the Kingdom of God established in this world!

John the Baptist and Jesus both preached a message calling for people to 'Repent'. 
Mat 3:1  In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
Mat 3:2  and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Mat 4:17  From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

The Greek word which is translated as 'repent' is μετανοεῖτε - which means 'to think differently' according to Strong's Dictionary.

On May 22, 1978, I was attending a Christian conference, and had what I call a prophetic experience in which I heard a strong voice above and behind me ask three questions:

"How is it that you call yourselves by this name or that name? My people should be called by My Name!  And how is it that you say you belong here or there?  You belong to Me, for I bought you with a Price!  And how is it that you bind yourselves together with bonds of covenant when I would have you bonded with love?"

With those three questions ringing in my heart I began to ponder the three 'How is it? questions.  I later read 1 Corinthians 1-3 and discovered that the answer to these three "How is it" questions is this:  Carnality.  So when a person stops living for himself or herself and begins to live for God by the grace of our Lord Jesus in their hearts, then his or her perceptions change and he or she begins to get God's perspective on everything.  That is 'Repentance'!

So, dear reader, those are my thoughts today after having just read Jonathan Cahn's newest book called 'The Return of the gods'.

Maybe more later.

Hebrews 13:20-21 for one and all!
Rob 9/10/22