Replacement Theology 2 - Temple Vs
This past midweek day (perhaps
4/20/22) I logged in to
the Israel Virtual House of Prayer, and had a nice time of fellowship
and prayer with some online friends - a married couple and one of
their other intercessory Zoom teammates.
The wife shared her testimony about being invited to a Seder Meal in
Israel on Passover, led by an articulate, scholarly Israeli
gentleman. The host was explaining the meaning of all the various
aspects of the Seder Meal. Suddenly my friend let out a
groan which startled her, her host, and everyone assembled for the
Meal! She was totally embarrassed, and everyone else there was
greatly surprised!
The Holy Spirit then revealed to her what He wanted to do. She
then explained to her host that she believed that the groaning was
the Holy Spirit's strong encouragement to her to express repentance for
her family heritage of anti-Semitism rooted in
Masonic Lodge tradition of her family. She begged for forgiveness
the host for the harm that her family had done by harboring this
She then reported that the host had graciously forgiven this family
sin, and told her how deeply her act of repentance and contrition had
touched his
We proceeded on the Israel Virtual House of Prayer hour to seek the
Lord's wisdom how to eradicate anti-Semitic
prejudice from the world.
After the Zoom meeting concluded, I began to remember reading a book
called Kingdom of the Cults many years ago, and that the section of
that book which addressed the Masonic Lodge movement included something
a man called Hiram Abiff. So I did some quick online research
about Hiram Abiff, and discovered that the Bible includes mention of
King Hiram of Tyre as the source of building materials, building
expertise, and fabrication
of utensils used in the house of David and the temple of Solomon.
I also discovered that King David had the idea after he built a nice
house for himself that he should build a nice house for God to replace
the tabernacle/tent of meeting where the presence of God dwelt from the
time after the children of Israel left Egypt on the first Passover
until David's time. 1 Chronicles 17:1, etc.
Then I read that the Lord had told the prophet Nathan to tell
David that He, God, had never spoken to anyone about building a house
Him, and that David shall not build Him a house, but that David's son
would build Him a house. 1 Chronicles 17:4, 11-12. I
noticed that God did NOT say that He had ordained that David's son
would build a house for God, but only that David's son would build Him
a house!
Then my thoughts turned to Revelation 21:3 says Rev 21:3 And I heard a great voice
out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with
men, and he
will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God himself
shall be with them, and be their God.
So, at the end of the Bible God is back to dwelling in a
tabernacle, not a temple! And as I write this page I noticed
this: Rev 21:22 And I saw
no temple therein: for
the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the
temple of it.
So that got me thinking that God had originally given very specific
instructions about the construction of the tabernacle in Exodus 25 and
26, but that Solomon had built the temple with materials which were not
ordained by God, but obtained from a friendly King Hiram.
The next day I again logged on to the Israel Virtual House of Prayer,
and someone in that hour's prayer group mentioned the term "Replacement
Theology", which you, dear reader, may know is substituting the gentile
church in place of the
nation of Israel concerning Bible prophesy.
That made me think that perhaps there was another form of "Replacement
Theology" which has to do with the substitution of carnal buildings and
organizations for the simple tabernacles and personal relationships
which God has in mind for eternity!
There is much talk these days about a total reformation of 'the church'
so that the body of Christ will become all that we are meant to be but
have failed to become.
This concept is poignant for me because years ago I had a vision of a
butterfly emerging from a cocoon. I blinked a couple of times and
the vision did not disappear, so I asked the Lord what this vision was
about. The thought that came to my mind was that it is a picture
of the body of Christ coming out of the confines of the church cocoon
and flying away on the winds of the Holy Spirit to be all that it is
meant to be.
I personally believe that the reality which Jesus described in Matthew
23:8-12 will become a reality soon, and that will usher in the great
end-time harvest of souls which is ordained by God.
Mat 23:8 But be not ye called
Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
Mat 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is
your Father, which is in heaven.
Mat 23:10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master,
even Christ.
Mat 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your
Mat 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and
he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
As they say, the times, they are a'changin'. Bigtime!
As I continue to listen and seek the Lord concerning what He wants to
change in these days, I realize that God is all about fellowship with
His creation. From Adam in the garden of Eden to Revelation
21 where His tabernacle is again 'among people [not just males, by the
way]', it is all about fellowship.
Then there is the forgotten apostle, John, The Beloved Disciple, who
makes this statement which seems so odd from our current
1 John 1:3 That which we have
seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship
with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son
Jesus Christ.
This matters because God's plan for His creation is not a lecture hall
where He lectures us each Sunday and then sends us out into the world
to live our lives for ourselves by the Book! His plan
is that He was in His
Son Jesus Christ reconciling the cosmos to Himself to restore the
fellowship which has been sorely missing since Adam and Eve went astray
after their 'own way'. Talk about 'trend-setters'! His plan
is that as many people as
possible will turn back to Him in brokenness and contrition when we see
the tragic results of our going 'our own way'; that we will become
abiders in His True Vine - our Lord Jesus - and become grateful lovers
of God and His righteousness, and haters of our current ways of
selfish, proud iniquity - just like Jesus! Hebrews 1:9
So Father is in the process of transforming our collective lives as
well as our individual lives from the perverted lecture hall mentality
which He never ordained to the fellowship pattern of living with
Him and for Him by abiding in Jesus as we claim His death on a daily
basis as our death the sin and unrighteousness, and as we claim His
resurrection life as our resurrection to a new life lived for God
than for ourselves in fellowship with Father and Jesus.
WARNING!!! It does not matter that we think that we are doing fine and
have no need to change! We have the Scriptures to tell us
objectively and convincingly that the pride of our heart deceives us
(Obadiah 1:3-4),
and that we are prone to delusions of rightness when we lean on our own
understanding! For example, there is the 'messenger' of the
ekklesia in Laodicea:
Rev 3:14 "To the messenger of
the church in Laodicea, write: 'The Amen, the witness who is faithful
and true, the originator of God's creation, says this:
Rev 3:15 'I know your actions [o messenger], that you [o
messenger] are neither cold nor hot. I wish you [o
messenger] were cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 Since you [o
messenger] are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am
going to spit you [o messenger] out of my
Rev 3:17 You [o messenger] say, "I
am rich. I have become wealthy. I don't need anything." Yet you [o
messenger] don't realize that you [o
messenger] are miserable, pitiful, poor, blind, and
Rev 3:18 Therefore, I advise you [o
messenger] to buy from me gold purified in fire so you
[o messenger] may be
rich, white clothes to wear so your shameful nakedness [o
messenger] won't show, and ointment to put on your
eyes [o messenger] so you [o
messenger] may see.
Rev 3:19 I correct and discipline those whom I love, so be
serious and repent [o messenger]!
Rev 3:20 Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone
listens to my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat
with him, and he will eat with me. [That's REAL
I inserted the [o messenger] into this passage
repeatedly because the Greek word for 'you' in this passage is always
singular, not plural, and this distinction is lost in the English
translations other than the KJV. Jesus is clearly sending His
message directly to the
individual church 'messenger' and not directly to the congregation of
believers. My speculation is that this messenger was not
appointed by God but by himself or herself, or maybe even by the
congregation or denomination. A carnal appointment rather than a
holy appointment, judging by the deluded nature of the 'messenger'.
Today (4.25.22) I had occasion to join an intercessory team on the
Israel Virtual House of Prayer twice, and it was mentioned that the
USIEA Education Center in Ariel, Samaria, Israel, has been a place
where multitudes of people have experienced the presence of God in a
life-changing way. It sounded to me like God is using the
Education Center as a Tabernacle of His presence. While there is
much strife and turmoil in Jerusalem and particularly on the Temple
Mount, God is interacting with people in Ariel!
My speculation at this
point in time is that God originally
ordained the Tabernacle of Meeting after the Exodus from Egypt, bu that
Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem, which God said that He had
never mentioned to anyone to build. There was a transition from
portable tabernacle to permanent temple, and from lively
interaction with God to religious duty of dead religion until Messiah
came, was rejected by most of the religious establishment, crucified,
buried and Resurrected to Life! Within a generation of that
debacle the second temple was destroyed and remains mostly destroyed.
My further speculation is that
there is much strife about the Temple
Mount because the offspring of King Hiram, who provided the materials
and much of the labor for the building of the temple by Solomon are
irate because although they built the temple they were not allowed to
worship God in the temple which they had helped to build! By
comparison, there was no strife associated with the Tabernacle of
Meeting because it was ordained by God, built according to His
specifications from materials which He provided from Egypt by the
children of Israel.
Fast forwarding through two thousand years of churchianity, we find the
body of Christ carnally divided into a multitude of 'churches' and
'denominations', each of which claims to be the best church in town or
the best denomination in town! I suspect that this will all end
when Jesus shows up as He did to Isaiah the Prophet as recorded in
Isaiah chapter 6 to UNDO what people have done contrary to God's clear
instructions and desires because of our failure to crucify our flesh
daily, take up our crosses daily and abide in Jesus to live for God
rather than continuing to live for ourselves by leaning on our own
understanding (or misunderstanding) of the Scriptures due to the fact
that the pride of our hearts always deceives us until we ask Jesus to
circumcise our hearts.
Come, O Word of God, living and active and sharper than any two-edged
sword! Pierce to the division of soul and Spirit, joint and
marrow, and disclose the thoughts and motives of every heart! And
lead us in the way everlasting!
Help us to transition out of the unordained temples of our making and
return to You and Father in the ordained Tabernacle of Meeting of Your
choice of time and place and circumstances that we might know You, the
One True God, and You, Lord Jesus, Whom Father sent, and You, Holy
Spirit, Whom Jesus poured out!
E Pluribus Unum, Father, as You will! In Your Name, Lord Jesus,
Speculation: What will the non-church fellowship of believers in
Messiah look like? That remains to be seen, but I suspect that
there will no longer be 'leaders' giving lectures, but there will be
'facilitators' whose heart's desire is for Father's will to be done,
and for Jesus to use whatever vessels He wills from time to time to
teach and touch and transform us into His image, and no one will glory
in the vessels any more, but all glory will go to Abba Yah Elohim Who
the source of all life and blessings, and Who alone is worthy of all
blessings and pleasing and honor and praise now and evermore!
I feel led to remark at this point that my foregoing stream of thoughts
probably is the result of having been challenged by the Lord the day
after I was saved in 1976 that the only correct answer I could give to
Him is "Yes, Lord." I was also told at that time that the Lord
simply wants us to all be available to Him to be vessels for Him to use
to reach out and touch other people in any way that He wants to touch
and affect their lives. And the only correct answer is always
"Yes, Lord."
About twenty years later I was challenged by the Lord's words in
Luke 14 and John 8 about the minimum requirements for being His
disciple. These chapters contain four mentions of either 'My
disciple' or 'My disciples'. Meeting these four requirements
daily has become my first chore and delight of each day.
As a result I seem to find passages of Scripture which no one else
seems to be addressing - even with the help of the Internet!
So I disclaim any credit for any good thing which comes through my
life, but I take full responsibility for any rubbish which passes out
of my life. There always seems to be lots of room for improvement!
Today I realized that the tabernacle and the temple represent two
greatly different entities - the body of Christ and manmade
religion. For clarity's sake let me explain that I understand the
body of Christ to be composed of every person who has been born again
of the Spirit of God as Jesus described in the Gospel of John chapter
3, while the church is composed of people who are born again and others
who are not born again of the Spirit of God. The body of Christ
is equivalent to the tabernacle of God, which was God's way of
maintaining His presence among His people, while the church is
equivalent to the temple of Solomon - manmade but not ordained by God
Himself. It is useful on occasion, but not permanently useful.
I am hoping that eventually the Jews and the Moslems will both realize
that their buildings on the temple mount are man-made idols, neither of
which are ordained by the One True God, and that their repentance from
that idolatry will lead to the reconciliation of both groups of people
to the One True God and and to each other in Messiah! In
the meantime Father seems to delight in using the USIEA training
facility and staff as his 'tabernacle' of healing, restoration and
I am keenly aware of the difference between the church/temple and the
body of Christ/tabernacle. The first prayer I ever know that was
answered was the prayer I prayed on the day I got saved in May,
1976. It was, "Lord Jesus, if You are really there, here's the
mess that I have made of my life. If you can do anything with it,
take a shot! Just don't give me any more dead religion!"
After I had prayed that prayer and nothing happened, the friend who was
telling me about
Jesus suggested that since I was talking to the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords that I ought to be on my knees. That sounded
reasonable, and I was too weary and depressed to argue, so I knelt
down. The moment that my knees touched the carpet 26 years worth
of tears of frustration and disappointment were released and my life
was changed forever. That was the day that my adventure with
Jesus began.
Several months later I was walking in the downtown area of the town I
live in, and I met the music director of the church in which I was
raised from birth until age 16. He was about 70 years old and he
was skipping like a little child! I asked him what was causing
him to be so joyful and he said, "I left our church and have been
attending a church with real believers!!! I had attended our
church for forty years, trying to be a good witness to the other
members of the church. But recently the Lord said to me, "The
tail does not wag the dog!" , and I realized that no one in our
church had come to know Jesus as a result of my born again life or
I had a similar experience of being removed from a dead church and
integrated into real Christian fellowship. I was saved on a
Saturday afternoon at about 3:30 p.m. My wife and I had been
attending a local Roman Catholic church for several years. The
day after I was saved (my wife having been saved for several weeks at
that time) we attended that Catholic church and realized that we no
longer felt an affinity there. We didn't know what to do, so the
next Sunday we again were walking toward the Catholic church, and
passed the chapel at the university in our town. As we walked
past the chapel a college girl pointed at me and said, "You're Rob
Harms, aren't you?!" I was greatly surprised by this event, but
found out later that this girl had done some house cleaning for my
and had seen my picture at my parent's house. She invited us into
the chapel for a 'fellowship service', and we experienced what I can
only describe as 'charismania' at its best! The presence of the
Lord was so real, and the people were so genuine in their worship that
we immediately felt that we were where we were meant to be. Jesus
had not only saved me from my sins, He had saved us from dead religion
- exactly as I had asked Him to do!!
Unfortunately that fellowship group was soon 'organized' into a church,
and the presence of the Lord decreased dramatically. They even
eventually renounced the 'baptism in the Holy Spirit' as false
doctrine, yet they remain a congregation to this day.
Many years ago I had a vision of a butterfly emerging out of a cocoon,
and when I asked Jesus what this meant I got the impression that it was
the body of Christ coming out of the church cocoon in which it had been
temporarily housed, and entering into the freedom of flying on the
winds of the Spirit as it was meant to do as the body of Christ.
I believe that this process has begun in earnest, and am looking
forward to what the Lord is going to do with His body/tabernacle!!
3/14/23 I recently was told by a brother Christian that he had
been seeing flocks of birds and schools of fish and other groups of
creatures moving about in a certain order without visible
leadership. And even the flocks of Canadian geese which have a
'leader' rotate the leadership position regularly before the strain of
leading the flock becomes exhausting. I believe that there is
wisdom in the flocking revelation. The Holy Spirit of God is most
able to lead us individually and corporately to do our Heavenly
Father's will, and to spread the joy and peace and righteousness of the
Kingdom of God in the lives of all who use the Lord's grace to stop
living for self, but to live for Him instead!